Love is Blind Beyond Borders
For over 20 years, Bethel has been caring for children who are visually impaired which is a life long commitment. In an effort to prevent children from becoming blind, in cases where it can be prevented, Bethel launched its "Love is Blind Beyond Borders" program. Prevention through early detection with follow up medical procedures, training or glasses we seek to catch vision issues which are treatable.
Bethel offers vision screenings to disadvantaged children worldwide, identifying and addressing visual impairments early. These screenings are crucial, as untreated vision problems can lead to significant educational and developmental challenges.
According to the World Health Organization, about
"80% of all visual impairment can be prevented or treated if detected early"
By providing these screenings, Bethel helps ensure that children receive timely interventions, improving their chances for successful educational outcomes and overall well-being. This proactive approach is essential in breaking the cycle of disadvantage linked to undiagnosed vision issues.
Our program in a nushell:
1. Bethel purchases the eye screening device
2. Bethel partners with a local charity clinic, eye doctor, or an organization that can use the device
3. The organization shares the data with Bethel
4. We work together to address the follow up such as surgeries, glasses, trainings
So far we have sent a team to Cebu, Philippines for an eye screening initiative. We have sent a Spot Vision Device to Nicaragua in the care of a local charitable clinic which allows them to add an eye clinic to their existing effort where they care for 400 children. As we were working on this project, a pediatric NP in Rhode Island used the Spot Vision and was able to screen all the kids coming through their door and found it invaluable. We are currently working on partnering with organization in other countries.
